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2022.03.21 英語でHaikuを詠んでみよう



2022.03.21 英語でHaikuを詠んでみよう



もうすぐ春ですね🌸🌸🌸 少しずつ春の訪れが感じられてとてもワクワクしています!こんな時は一句詠みたくなりますね♪素人ながらふと思いついた一句をご紹介させていただきます。。。


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アートリンガル外語学院のある大人の英会話クラスでは、春の訪れを祝うために、「春」をテーマとした俳句を作るレッスンを行いました。俳句は、五・七・五の十七音で表現されます。 このように短い詩は世界でも珍しく、”世界一短い詩”とも言われます。🌸🌸🌸


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大阪エリア L 先生


A Haiku Poem in English!? 


Spring, Spring, is it time?

To feel your warmth on my skin?

Cricket sings nearby.

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Spring is coming, Setsubun has recently finished – signaling the transition from the end of Winter to the start of spring. All around us, the birds are starting to tweet and sing, buds are slowly starting to appear on the trees, and on some days, the sun’s warmth can be felt, despite the cold. 

To celebrate the beginning of Spring, in one of our adult classes we decided to try to create a “Spring” themed Haiku.  The famous Japanese short-form poetry that follows the pattern of 3 sentences of 5-7-5 syllables.  Those with a sharp eye might have noticed that the beginning part of this blog followed that same structure.

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A syllable is also known as a “clap” or “beat” and shows how many of these claps or beats there are in a word.  For example – Beautiful would be 3 claps.  Beau ti ful.  Expensive would also be 3 – Ex pen sive.  
How many syllables does your name have?

Here’s an example of a Haiku I thought of earlier:

Blossoms blooming on,
the trees that are full of song,
On and on and gone.

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Ok, it is not the best haiku ever written, I know.  Can you do better?  Have a go!

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If your creativity has disappeared or you just want to have a play, check out this website where you can make a haiku using a few adjectives, nouns and verbs.

Art Lingual

Osaka Location  L Sensei


Recently= 最近

Transition = 移り変わり

Despite = にもかかわらず

Syllable= 音節






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Published inブログ英会話