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2022.04.17 イースターにおすすめ、世界的人気なチョコレートスイーツ


















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さて、ハロウィンやクリスマスと同様、近年では イースターも注目を集めていますね。🎃🎄そして、復活や生命の象徴である「卵」をかたどったチョコレートがイースターシーズンに町中販売されて行くのはアメリカやイギリスなどでは良く見かける光景です。だけどイースターで最も人気なお菓子が何かを考えたことはあるでしょうか?


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新潟校T & M


Do you know about the most famous Easter candy ?


While Easter is celebrated in many parts of the world, have you ever wondered what might be the most famous candy for Easter?

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Although many will debate the candy of their choice, the Cadbury Crème Egg is perhaps the most well-known.

The egg has a wonderful colorful outer foil packaging that is fun and bright. While the inside is packed with a chocolate egg. But what makes the Cadbury Crème Egg special is the inside, which has a gooey yolk. That’s right, this chocolate egg, also has a yolk just like a real egg. But inside the Cadbury Egg, it is a sweet center.

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Cadbury Creme Egg sugar content revealed in shocking Facebook post | The Independent | The Independent


The one you see above is the original one, but Cadbury has more recently also released ones that offer caramel inside as well. Have you ever seen or had a Cadbury Egg? If so, how did you like it? If not, what do you think about this candy? Is there something similar in your country?

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Art Lingual

Niigata Location T&M



Wondered – 疑問に思った

Well-known – よく知られている

Gooey – ねばねば

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