皆さんこんにちは、3月8日は、「国際女性デー(International Women‘s Day)」です。女性の権利を守りジェンダー平等の実現を目指すため、1975年に国連により定められました。平和と安全、開発における役割の拡大、組織やコミュニティにおける地位向上に努めている女性たちを称える日であるこの日は、近年日本でもその存在が認知され始めています。
Hello everyone, March 8th is the International Women’s Day. It was established by the United Nations in 1975 to protect women’s rights and achieve gender equality. This day is a day to honor women who are working to promote peace and security, expand their role in development, and improve their status in organizations and communities. In recent years, the day has begun to be recognized in Japan as well.
イタリアの「ミモザの日」!イタリアでは、3月8日が「FESTA DELLA DONNA(フェスタデラドンナ)=女性の日」とされ、春の象徴である黄色いミモザの花を、男性が母親や妻、同僚の女性などに日頃の感謝や尊敬の気持ちを込めてプレゼントする慣習があります。今では、この「国際女性デーに男性から女性へミモザを贈る」というイタリアの文化が世界中に広まっています。 イタリアでは毎年男性がミモザを女性にプレゼントします。
“Mimosa Day” in Italy! March 8th is known as “FESTA DELLA DONNA” (Women’s Day) in Italy, and it is customary for men to give yellow mimosa flowers, a symbol of spring, to their mothers, wives, female colleagues, etc. as gifts to show their gratitude and respect. Now, this Italian culture of “men giving mimosas to women on International Women’s Day” has spread all over the world. Every year in Italy, men give mimosas to women.

In many countries, on this day, men give gifts to their wives and female friends, eat special meals, and spend time together. How do you spend this day?
Thank you for reading.