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2 Must-have Fall Foods

It’s finally that time of year in Japan where supermarkets start rolling out their seasonal Fall foods, and who doesn’t like sweet potatoes?


Or what about pumpkin in curry or misou soup? My family even loves to buy those big bags of sweet chestnuts and munch on them all season long.


Well, would it surprise you if I told you America also loves sweet potatoes and pumpkins in Fall? In fact, we have 2 iconic desserts that likely land on every dinner table during this season in the U.S.- pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie!

アメリカ人も秋にはサツマイモやカボチャが大好きだと言ったら、驚きますか? 実は、アメリカではこの季節にどの食卓にも並ぶ 2 つの象徴的なデザートがあります。それは、パンプキン パイとサツマイモ パイです。

Perhaps you don’t know, but Japanese sweet potatoes and American sweet potatoes look quite different. In fact, American sweet potatoes are a deep orange color! With both pies being orange, it can be difficult to tell them apart. The taste is also similar!


Pumpkin pies are so popular in America that the spice blend used in its recipe has become a household name- ‘Pumpkin Spice’. You wouldn’t believe the variety of pumpkin spice options we have. In Fall, many restaurants and brands offer seasonal pumpkin spice versions of their food. Even Starbucks offers a Pumpkin Spice Latte!


If you ever find yourself in the States for the Fall season, you’ve absolutely got to try the desserts!


新潟エリア D.J

Published inブログ英会話